Frequently Asked Questions

How helps us in finding who is the owner of our desired domain name?

The options to have your desired domain are not limited. If you are not finding the availability of your desired domain, there are number of other options available for the people to have the same or similar domain name.

The first thing that a person can do is changing the LTD. LTD is provided at the end of your domain name that is also a part of your domain such as .com, .org, .net and many others. You can consider to use country codes as the LTD like .au, in, and etc. To have the similar domain name that you desired to have, you can consider to change the LTD of your domain.

If you are not even willing to change the LTD then there is another option available for you. helps you with providing the information about the person who actually owns the domain that you desired for. By getting this information you can directly link with the owner of the domain, you can make negotiations or ask the owner to sell the domain to you at higher cost then you’ll be able to obtain it.